Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Quick-n-Easy Stuffed Pizza Croissant

Tonight for dinner I decided to try something new! I love coming up with new things on the fly, and just throwing in whatever I have on hand. It very rarely turns out poorly. 

I decided to try out some sort of a stuffed-pizza-dough thing, so I quickly mixed up a batch of pizza dough (see my earlier blog post - I made half a batch, but added Italian spices to give the dough more flavor). Then, I scrounged around in my fridge to see what I had. 

Turns out I had onion, apple, radishes, tomato, and cilantro! While the dough was rising, I diced these up and threw them in a pot with a touch of oil, salt/pepper, paprika, and some other Italian spices.

I rolled the dough out into a rough-rectangle, spread this mix in the middle, topped it with some Daiya mozzarella, and folded it over. Pro-tip: put more filling in there than you might want to at first--the dough will rise and get thicker in the oven, but the filling won't. Pinch it shut to help seal it.

I spread cornmeal on my baking pan to give the crust a nice crisp, and plopped the folded over dough thing on top (okay, okay, so I actually put the dough on the pan when it was a rectangle, and added the insides while it was on the pan!). It was kind of a weird poo-like shape, so I turned the corners inwards and VOILA, a stuffed pizza croisant was born! 

I brushed the top with olive oil, sprinkled some more fake cheese and cornmeal on top, and added some more Italian spices (heavy on the paprika and rosemary) on top. 

Then, I stuck that sucker into my oven (preheated to 350), and checked on it incessantly until it looked about done. 

The prep took me about an hour, including making dough, but I was also messing around on the internet and sitting around waiting for dough to rise...so maybe it was around half an hour of actual work or something? I forgot to look at the clock when I stuck it in the oven...time doesn't really exist, anyway, right?? But! I call this recipe "easy" because all I did was roughly measure, dice, and stir. Anyone can do this! Go forth and cook and bake hearty vegan food! Don't be afraid to put apples in EVERYTHING!

(As I'm typing this, I'm waiting for it to finish baking. This is truly the hardest part.)

So it ended up baking for about 25 minutes!

Finished product:

It looks small, but it's actually sitting on a large dinner plate! It smells amazing! It tastes EVEN BETTER!

Here's a close up:

Now I am going to go eat THIS ENTIRE THING (probably only a third of it, but still...)!

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